«ArNovIt. Archivio Novellistico Italiano»

Evaluation Form

In thanking you for your scholarly contribution, we kindly remind you that its evaluation will be communicated to the author in an anonymous format and will not be disclosed for any reason. This article will be examined independently by two referees. In the case of a clear difference of opinion, the text will be sent to a third referee.

The objective of peer review is to individuate the most efficient method for judging, in the best and most impartial way, the quality of submitted essays. In the elaboration of the essay’s review, both the editorial board of ArNovIt and the referee will adhere to the following guidelines:
- Does the essay contain interpretative and/or philological innovations?  

- Could the essay be modified in order to highlight the central focus of its thesis?

- Could the coherence of its argument be improved?

- Which of the essay’s elements are disputable?  

It will be useful for the author to receive clear and constructive comments. If there are further observations to be communicated to the editors but not to the author, we ask you to indicate them in the message to which this form is attached.

Further clarifications may be requested by the editorial board.