ArNovIt is a scholarly, double blind peer-reviewed journal (both author and referee remain anonymous to one another), which adheres to the code of ethics for publications elaborated inCOPE: Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

It is necessary that all parties involved – authors, editors/directors and referees – understand and partake in the following ethical requirements.

Editor/Director Duties

Publishing Decisions

The editors/directors of ArNovIt are responsible for the decision whether or not to publish submitted articles. The editors/directors may consult with the referees in order to make their final decision.


The editors/directors will review articles submitted for publication on the basis of their content and are prohibited from discriminating based on the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political orientation of the author.


The editors/directors and other members of the editorial board are prohibited from disclosing information about submitted articles to any individual other than the author, the referee and the editor.

Conflict of Interestand Disclosure

The editors/directors are prohibited from using the contents of an article submitted for publication in their own research without the written consent of the author.

Referee Duties

Contribution to Editorial Decisions

Peer review is a process that helps the editors/directors to make decisions about submitted articles and also allows the author to improve his/her own proposed contribution.


A referee who for any reason is unable to carry out the review within the required timeline must immediately contact the editorial coordinators.


Every text assigned for review must be considered confidential. As such, these texts must not be discussed with other individuals without the explicit authorization of the editors/directors.


Peer review must be conducted in an objective way. Any personal judgment about the author is considered inappropriate. The referees are obliged to justify adequately their opinions.

Textual Indications

Referees must indicate with precision thebibliographic details of essential works overlooked by the author. Referees must also make the editors/directors aware of similarities or overlaps of the text under review with other works known to them.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure

Private information obtained during the peer-review process must be considered confidential and cannot be used for personal ends. Referees are prohibited from accepting to review articles for which there exists a conflict of interest due to previous relationships of collaboration or competition with the author and/or the affiliated institution.

Author Duties

Access and Preservation of Data

If the editors/directors find it appropriate, the author of the article should also make available the sources or data on whichhis/her research is based, so that this information can be saved for a reasonable period of time after publication and eventually be made accessible to readers.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must declare to have composed a work that is entirely original and to have cited all texts utilized during its composition.

Multiple, Repetitive and/or Concurrent Publications

The author must not publish articles that describe the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same text simultaneously to more than one journal constitutes behavior that is ethically incorrect and unacceptable.

Citing Sources

The author must always provide the correct citation of sources and contributions mentioned in the article.


Authorship of the work must be correctly attributed, and all those who have contributed significantly to the conception, organization, realization and revision of the research on which the article is based must be named as coauthors. If others have participated in a significant way in any phase of research, their contribution must be explicitly recognized.

In the case of co-written contributions, the author who sends the text to the journal must declare to have correctly cited the names of all other coauthors. The sending author must also declare to have obtained their approval for the final version of the article and their consent for publication in ArNovIt.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure

All authors must declare explicitly that there exist no conflicts of interest that could have influenced the proposed results or interpretations. Furthermore, authors must indicate any financial sponsors of the research and/or the project from which the article stems.

Errors in Articles Accepted for Publication

When an author discovers an error or relevant mistake in his/her article, he/she must immediately inform the editors/directors of the journal and provide them with all the information necessary to footnote the article with the proper corrections.